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Sky Nomads
Transvaldesia 2019


Staging intention

"  What brings them together is having made travel a way of life,
and living an art of travel »

Rene Zahnd  




Ella Maillart, Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Nicolas Bouvier, these three nomadic authors, find themselves in an interior which could each be their own in certain details, but which is not quite theirs. This interior seems to be placed in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the countryside, on the edge of a forest, overlooking Lake Geneva...

They are excited to find the three of them in the same space, even if it does not seem very logical to them… some of them have never really met…

Are they dead or alive ? Are they in this no man's land between life and death ? Will they be able to leave one last time to discover new horizons or are they at the dawn of their last trip ?

They would probably like to be able to go back forever, they will even try to get out of this stage space, to flee, but without success….
A mysterious musician seems to dictate the rules of the game…. Perhaps he is the host of these places, the instigator of this improbable encounter ? He will impose the rhythm of this last trip to the sounds of his music to create the sweetness necessary for confidence. Time now seems suspended.

So here are our three authors ready to indulge: they are going to share for a moment what pushed them to leave for the first time, then this irrepressible need to always leave again during their existence; they will share laughter, their impressions of the road, their moments of doubt, their insatiable curiosity for others and for themselves, what they think of life, of death….

Finally appeased, satiated and filled with these stories and having been able to relive the sensations of the trip, of their trip, they will go away, go away and turn their backs on us, light as angels...

Leaving us sitting in our seats, the nagging music of the need for discovery and going to see what is happening far from home still whirling in our heads...

And who knows, maybe tomorrow morning you'll pack your suitcase or fill your backpack, and you'll go with the wind … discover, travel, write …. Write, travel, discover...


Sébastien Ribaux, director

Sky Nomads



from the lives and works of

Ella Maillart

Nicholas Bouvier

Annemarie Schwarzenbach



Sebastien Ribaux


Paola Landolt

Anne-Sophie Rohr Cettou

Blaise Granget



Alain Mudry


Sonya Troillet


Scilla Ilardo


Estrée Foundation 

The show takes place in any weather,

in case of bad weather: a fallback location is assigned


De gauche à droite : Alain Mudry, Paola Landolt, Anne-Sophie Rohr Cettou, Sébastien Ribaux, Blaise Granget

Nomades Célestes
Nomades Célestes
Nomades Célestes
Nomades Célestes
Nomades Célestes
Flyer spectacle
Flyer spectacle

Contact and reservations


Such:+41 (0)21 903 11 73




CP 4 – Bourg-Dessous 5

1088 Ropraz,Swiss

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