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 Exhibitions 2015 -2010 

2015 :

Logovarda(painting - sculpture)
Olivier Charles (paint)
Edmond Engel(drawing-painting)
André Sugnaux(paint)- Igor Ustinov (sculpture)
Thierry Kupferschidt (painting - video)
Estrée Collection (drawing - sculpture - painting)

2014 :

Chris Blaser(photography)
Estrée Collection (drawing - sculpture - painting)
Robert Comparé (sculpture - recycled African toy)
Sophie Cauvin(paint)
Collective - the Animal and me(documentary exhibition)
Machine Collective- ECAV (EDEHA) graduates (S. Trolliet - E. Garcia - J. Naudin - M. Bula)
Off-wall exhibition
MAG 2014


Jean Louis Choffel (drawing) andMarie Claire Meier(paper)

Rock Rayomd Ligué (painting and relief)

Adrian Fahrlander(sculpture) andNele Gesa Stürler(photography)
Bernard Pelligand (paint)
Claire Nydegger (painting - engraving - art edition)
Off-wall exhibition
MAG 2013


Stéphane Galitch (automatic painting and writing (Yi King))
Madeline Diener(drawing-painting (sacred art))
Lech Majewski(video Brügel Suite)
Marion Morel-Pache - Gustave Roud (sculpture - photo studio G. Roud (Transvaldésia))
Jean-Marie Borgeaud (sculpture)
Pierre-Alain Morel(paint)
Off-wall exhibition
MAG 2012
Villa Dutoit


Lucy Wu (underwater photographs)
Lorris Sevhonkian(watercolors on F. Chopin and C. Debussy)
Heinz Altenhofer(paint)
André Sugnaux(paint)
Thierry Kupferschmidt (painting - sculpture)
Bernard Gressot (paint)
Jean Marie Borgeaud(sculpture) -Guy Jasper(paint)
Roland Roure(mobile sculpture) -Pelligand(drawing - painting)
Off-wall exhibition
MAG 2011


Lawand (paint)
Pierre-Yves Gabioud(Monotype, Charcoal & Oil Pastel)
Logovarda(painting - sculpture)
Summer days (A. Sutter, MT Segura, FA Peña, H. von Ucello and T. Kupferschmidt, V. Demeules)
Rene Sarasin(paint)
Janos Urban(paint)
Monique Monod (watercolors)
Writings and Artists' Books (L. Beetschen, B. Duchoud, C. Besson, M.-C. Meier)
Off-wall exhibition
MAG 2010  

Contact and reservations


Such:+41 (0)21 903 11 73




CP 4 – Bourg-Dessous 5

1088 Ropraz,Swiss

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  from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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